Monday, February 28, 2011

As Christ loved the Church....

I just want to say that I have the World's Best husband!! I don't know why or how I got him....well, maybe I know how ;) I have many friends and aquaintances that have horror stories of husbands who do nothing to help around the house or with the kids, and I'm sorry, but I just can't relate!
Since the day we were married, he has been out to please me and make me happy. He does so, so much for me and for our children. I cannot think if a time that I asked him for something that he has not provided for me. Granted, I don't ask for much, just a few pregnancy cravings here and there, but he always aims to please<3
He has never ever in almost 8 years of marriage said anything negative about the way I keep our home or about how I raise our children. He has never ever made any comments about any changes in my body during pregnancy or any other time. He tells me I am beautiful every day and goes out of his way to show me that he loves me, in my love language (which is amazing in itself since it changes, lol)....
When I think of Ephesians 5:25, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;", I think of him. He puts our needs ahead of his own. He always encourages and forgives. When he sees me down, he does his best to pick me up. He just does it all.
And, he is the best Daddy a child could want. He is our hero.
And, he is mine, all mine.


  1. I can relate to your comments. God blessed me with a loving best friend and husband.

  2. I also can relate to exactly what you have written :) I don't understand Husbands who don't give their 110% to their family!

  3. I too am Blessed with a husband who loves the Lord and so is always looking for a way to help me out and be an encourgement!!! When we do things God's way ~ He will bless :)
