Monday, August 22, 2011

Mrs. Lindsay Harris...Wife of the Week

Husband’s Position- Associate/Youth Pastor at Victory Baptist In Talihina, OK
How long have you been married? 8 years
How many children/grandchildren do you have? How old are they? Matthew 7 and Madisyn 3
1.      Where/How did you meet your husband?  We grew up in the same church at Central Baptist in Ponca City, OK/ We were in the youth department together
2.      When did you get saved? August of 2000
3.      Can you share your testimony?  I grew up in church and had made a profession of faith when I was younger but not until August of 2000 did I make Jesus the Lord of my life.  We were in Teen Time with Bro. Schuyler and all I could think about while he was teaching is “I am not saved”.  After Teen Time was over I took a youth worker by the hand and asked if they would pray with me and I accepted Jesus as my Personal Lord and Savior.  It was a huge burden lifted off my shoulders because I had pretended for so long.  I am so glad that the Lord doesn’t give up on us.  That same year my husband and I started courting and a few years later he proposed on July 4th 2002.  I was still in high school and he was attending Heartland Baptist Bible College, I knew that is where the Lord wanted me to attend when I was through with high school.  Well, May came around and I was fixing to graduated in a few days when my dad was life flighted to KU Med and a few days later he went to be with the Lord, this was on May 21st, 2003.  I went back home and graduated May 23, 2003 and then Danny and I got married May 31, 2003 and went to OKC to start college that fall.  I tell you all this to tell you how good God is and how He knows best.  God has shown His hand through all this and it has made me a stronger person and has allowed me to help many others already in my short time in the ministry.  Now we are in a small town with very loving people who want to serve the Lord and God has blessed us with 2 great children that are growing way to fast.  God is good All the time.
4.      How long have you been in the ministry? 7
5.      How did you know the Lord wanted you in the ministry? Was it hard for you to submit to that or did you know 100% sure right away that this is what God wanted for your life?
I was at Sagmount in Joplin, MO and that week at camp I surrendered my life into full time service.  I just knew that the Lord would show me when and where He would have me to serve in His time
6.      How old were you when you your husband first held a position of leadership? I was 20 and He was 23
7.      And if you were young, did you have a hard time adjusting because of your age? Did you feel “ready” to be in that position? Did you feel you had a harder time being respected or taken seriously because of your age?  I was young and felt that I didn’t feel I was qualified to be in that position.  Some did not take us seriously but most did.  We didn’t really worry about it to much because we knew God wanted us here.
8.      Once you had children did you find you did less in the ministry and was that hard for you?  I do about the same…I have wonderful ladies and teens who help out a lot
9.      What are some ways you included and involved your children in the ministry?
a.      Baby… took them everywhere with us
b.      Toddler…the same but we left them with our preacher and his wife when we went on youth activities
c.       School age/teens…Matthew will sing with me and they both help clean the pews before church and get the offering baskets and shake peoples hands
10.  Did you ever worry that your children would resent the ministry and what are some ways you tried to make it fun for them?  I have at times but we pray that the Lord will watch over them and help us to train them in His ways.
11.  What would be the best thing you would tell a mom who is raising her children in the ministry? Your husband and your children are your first ministry
12.  Are you naturally a submissive person or do you sometimes have a hard time easily following your husband? No but I am learning with God’s grace and guidance
13.  What do you do to encourage your husband when he is discouraged with the work? Tell him how much I love him and pray for him
14.  How do deal with any criticism toward your husband from others? I have to hand it over to the Lord.
15.  How do you deal with personal criticisms?  I try and examine myself and pray about the matter in which they are criticizing and if I need to change something I ask the Lord for help.  I know I can’t do it on my own.
16.  Do you set aside date nights/days with your husband? We spend as much time as we can together as a family
17.  What is the biggest thing you have learned about being married to a man in the ministry? He has a great responsibility.
18.   What are some ways you protect your husband from “those” women in the church? Praise the Lord we have not had to deal with this.
19.  Do you and your husband have devotion or prayer time together daily? We have family devotions together with our kids
20.  Do you have a hard time sharing your burdens with your husband in fear that it will discourage him? No he is my best friend and he is good to listen.
21.  What do you do to encourage yourself in the Lord?  SING
22.  What is your favorite Scripture? Proverbs 15:1
23.  Do you have a favorite song? I have been blessed
24.  What is your biggest struggle in the ministry?  My attitude at times
25.  Do you find that you are not able to have close lady friends in your church? We are in a very friendly church so no I do not find that hard
26.  When you are discouraged, do you feel like you can “show” that feeling to ladies in the church? Or, do you feel like you always have to portray the “perfect” happy Pastor’s wife?  I feel I can show my feelings to some point…they understand I am only human too
27.  Have you ever made a big mistake or offended someone, and if yes, how did you go about restoring that relationship? When I offend someone I pray and ask God for forgiveness first and then I go and apologize to them and ask for forgiveness. 
28.  Do you have other lady ministry friends that you go to for counsel and “venting” purposes?  Yes and I love them dearly
29.  Other than praying, what is the most encouraging thing ladies in the church can do for you? Love my family
30.  What is your favorite way to serve the Lord in your church? Singing
31.  Do you currently have special Ladies Bible Study, meetings, or fellowships? We go to Ladies Meetings that other churches put on
32.  What ways to you encourage your ladies to get involved in the work of the church? By letting them know that we appreciate it and they are a huge help because no one can do it alone. 
33.  What is the most important thing you want to pass down to your children? To love the Lord with all their heart and to let them know how much the Lord loves them
34.  In all of your business, how do you fit your personal time in with the Lord each day? It is most convenient for me at night
35.  Out of all that you have learned being in the full time ministry, what is the most important thing you have learned? Put god first
36.   How would you describe the “perfect” Pastor’s wife? One who puts God first

1 comment:

  1. I am following!! I love reading these post; they encourage me greatly. Thanks so much!!
    Debbie in KS
